Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's All True

There's box three: broccoli, spinach, cilantro, peas, red-leaf lettuce, garlic scapes, green onions, green garlic, strawberries, radishes and fennel. The potatoes we had with dinner had been stored from the previous week, as were some of the kohlrabi greens (they stored well in plastic in the fridge), to which we added kohlrabi greens from our garden.

I think the box three meal that Jason just described was the single healthiest meal I've ever eaten. Vegan, high in protein and iron, and abundantly local and fresh. The only components that weren't grown either at Driftless (which I've taken to calling "our farm") or in our home gardens were the garbanzo beans, the olive oil and the pineapple we had for dessert.

Jason's too modest to mention it, but he kicked our asses at Catan.


Cosmic Monkey July 6, 2009 at 6:05 PM  

Jason is too good at Catan. You all look so healthy, I'm enjoying the new year of CSA blogging!

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