Sunday, September 14, 2008

Box #14: Keeping it simple

I love tomatoes, so I love this box. It's like half tomatoes, plus some quirky favorites.

Heirloom tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, red slicer tomatoes, Sungold tomatoes, cured garlic, zucchini, delicata squash, eggplant, red cabbage, red onion, red potatoes, cilantro, collard greens, a giant pimento, a chocolate sweet pepper, carrots, edamame and sage! What should we do with the sage?

Look at this beautiful onion:

Not only were tomatoes abundant in our share this week, but our boxmates Marcos and Jamie have some in their garden, so Jamie was pretty generous with them when we split up the share.

Pat likes to cook with tomatoes but won't really eat them raw.

We're moving this week, so food prep is at a minimum.

These factors add up to a huge bowl of tomatoes on our counter that I'm chipping away at by eating them raw like apples. This is awesome for me because I get a quick break between taping up cardboard boxes and dusting behind bookcases, and I get to judge the varieties of tomatoes. The oblong gold ones have a gorgous smooth, fleshy flesh and are somewhat sweet, tart and sunny tasting. The small green heirlooms are a little more earthy tasting, and if you pop a sweet, flavorful Sungold into your mouth after eating a green one, it tastes like a strawberry by comparison.

All geared up for BLTs, we had bacon on hand when we picked up this box. No lettuce? I think this is the first box that didn't have some kind of lettuce! So we made BCTs by peeling off a couple outer leaves of the red cabbage. It's a little chewy raw, so we cut it into long shreds. It sure added more flavor to our sandwiches than lettuce does.


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